What Is Disaster Recovery as a Service

Power outages, hardware malfunctions, cyber attacks, and natural disasters can disrupt any business and even lead to a shutdown. In particular, your business may lose the data required to run operations. Alternatively, these catastrophes could endanger your clients’ data. At that point, you’ll require an expensive and difficult process to recover data ― if you’re … Read more

How Many Types of Security Cameras Are There?

Security cameras are a crucial part of your business’ security system. They can deter crime or serve as evidence once a crime has occurred. You can also use them to analyse workflow or monitor staff. Yet before you can select one, you first need to know the types of security cameras ― and why there … Read more

Hosted Telephony: What Is It and How Does It Work?

According to reports, 59% of customers prefer contacting businesses through a phone call. Your staff may also need to communicate with each other ― especially when they’re out of the office. Therefore, your business most likely needs a smart telecommunication system.  However, traditional setups are expensive to install and maintain. Instead, your business can use … Read more

Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualisations and business intelligence capabilities with a simple interface for end users to create their own reports and dashboards. It integrates seamlessly with various data sources, enabling users to connect, model, and visualise data effortlessly. Power BI can be a powerful tool for … Read more

What Is Cyber Resilience

As a business, relying on an information system requires securing it. Businesses now rely on cyber security to combat online threats. According to reports, firms’ cybersecurity budgets have increased by over 50% since 2020.   However, cyber security is only part of a bigger concept: cyber resilience. This concept targets not just the protection and recovery … Read more

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Hosting

If you’ve created an application or website or simply need to run one as part of your core operations, you’ll need to store it reliably. Among your storage options, there’s cloud hosting. It’s a service that companies offer to host your software so that you can access it through the cloud.  However, you should understand … Read more

What Is a Digital Transformation Strategy? Everything You Need to Know

As technology becomes an increasingly important tool to create a competitive edge, you need a strategy that best facilitates using it. With a digital transformation strategy, you ensure that you use the best technology and that your company is ready for this change. Moreover, it ensures that you’re always evolving to guarantee that you won’t fall … Read more

Do I need a Leased Line Broadband for My Business

Are you considering upgrading your internet connection to support your business needs? Reliable internet is a vital component of your company’s success. With so many options available, deciding on the right type can be daunting. Through a telecommunication service, you’ll access time-saving software and cost-efficient communication with clients. Yet when everyone uses the internet, it … Read more

Everything You Need to Know about SIP Trunks

Communication is crucial for reaching customers and working with your staff and partners. Choosing the right communication system will help you in your operations, fall within your budget, and meet your needs as your business grows.  Among your options is a sip trunk. This new technology uses your existing hardware to communicate with the outside … Read more

Benefits of Outsourcing IT Support Services for Businesses

Business disruptions, whether caused by a simple malfunctioning scanner or a severe cyber attack, can be costly. During these downtimes, your employees are unable to work, and your data may fall into the wrong hands. Despite these issues, you still need to cover your overhead costs, and your reputation could suffer from frustrated customers. When … Read more