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Business Connectivity Services: Everything You Need to Know

Your business can reach a high number of potential customers, develop innovative projects, and even facilitate remote work. But, how? – through communication. For this reason, you must receive a connection service to facilitate this communication. To understand how to access this versatile communication, you need to understand: What are business connectivity services?

These services aren’t just a communication channel. They also offer other services that safeguard your connection and boost it for greater productivity. Plus, they can help maintain your communication channels.

In this blog, we’ll explore these services, how your business can benefit from them, and what you should consider when selecting them.

What Are Business Connectivity Services?

What Are Business Connectivity Services

These services offer the infrastructure that helps your business communicate internally and externally. They use technology to transmit data throughout your business to your customers and partners.

Through these services, you can:

  • Conduct Video Conference
  • Send Emails
  • Host Cloud Applications
  • Collaborate on Projects
  • Share Files
  • Work Remotely
  • Offer Customer Service
  • Safeguard Your Communication Networks

The Types of BCS Connections

These services give you access to the internet, through which you can transmit information and even make calls.

1. Business Broadband

The first service they offer is broadband. The standard version is the cheapest internet connection, but it’s also slower. Alternatively, you can use the faster versions, which use fibre: fibre to the cabinet and fibre to the premises. They offer high-speed internet connections, which allow you to transmit information and run online applications. Through them, even a large corporation can support its internet demand.

2. Leased Lines

Another service you can receive is an internet line that you’ll use exclusively: Leased lines. An internet connection through leased lines is faster than normal lines when there’s downtime due to heavy traffic. So, you’ll have a consistent connection, which you can use for important operations. Plus, companies usually fix them faster than other lines.

3. Voice over IP

Through these services, you can receive voice-over IP. This is a system whereby you can make calls, receive them, and route them. Moreover, you can integrate this system with different devices. Then, even if you change devices, you’ll be able to keep the same phone numbers that your customers have saved in their contacts.

4. Mobile Data Plans

Finally, you can receive the internet through mobile devices. This service usually comes in the form of data plans that your staff can use outside of your business’ location through their phones.

The Benefits of Business Connectivity Services

The Benefits of Business Connectivity Services

These services help increase your connectivity which leads to the following benefits:

Increased Productivity

The greatest benefit your business receives through these services is increased productivity. As staff have quick access to information and can communicate virtually from anywhere, they’ll be able to work faster.

Improved Scalability

Another advantage of using them is that they can scale to keep pace with your demands. Therefore, whether you open a new branch or increase your workforce, they can provide the services you need. In comparison, traditional phone lines are a fixed asset which requires a large investment for you to lay new phone lines.

Reduced Cost

With these services, you gain the advantage of reduced cost. You can shop around to find a connection company that offers a package that aligns with the expenses you’re willing to make. Furthermore, you’ll be using services to cover all your communication needs. Therefore, you can select a package that better suits your needs. Then, you’ll only pay for the connections you need, reducing your overall expenditure.

For example, if you choose a voice-over IP service that charges per user, you’ll spend less time using this system. Meanwhile, if you use traditional lines they’ll still charge you even if you reduce your workforce.

Increased Security

Lastly, these services offer security services. As cyber-attacks increase with the development of technology, you need to protect your communication connections. Otherwise, you’ll risk losing connectivity, which could hamper your operations and damage your reputation. To avoid these risks, the companies that offer these services often pair them with cyber security, which safeguards your connection.

What to Consider When Selecting a BCS

What to Consider When Selecting a BCS

Now that you know the benefits you could gain through these services, you understand that they’re an asset to your business. However, not all of these providers will lead your business to success.

To know which services to select, you should consider the following:

Your Needs

When selecting these services, you should centre your needs. In particular, consider the number of users you have, the tasks they need to accomplish that require a connection, the devices they’ll use, and their location. For instance, a clinic with 10 medical professionals will have a different connection need than a customer call service with over 100 staff.

Their Reliability

You should consider the reliability of the company. You can search their reviews to verify whether they satisfy their customer base. Additionally, you should check if they have support, maintenance, and cyber security services that will guarantee a quick return to normal operations.

Implementation Ease

Another consideration to keep in mind is the implementation of these services. Additionally, you should consider how simple it will be to train your employees to use them.

Flexibility of Packages

Part of your decision process should include the flexibility of their services. With these services, you can have access to flexible packages that meet your demand as it shifts over time. With flexible packages, you can scale up with their services.


Now you know that a business connectivity service is a way for your business to communicate internally and externally. With these services, you’ll access internet and phone connections at high speeds. As a result, your communication connections will be of higher quality than with traditional systems, your staff will be able to work faster, and you’ll reduce your communication spending.

To select the right provider, you’ll need to consider how you’ll use it and how it can benefit you. In particular, verify that their services fit your business and that they’ll meet your demand even as you grow.