Rydal Group Blog

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The importance of Microsoft Office 365 Back Up

It’s a common misconception that because you use Microsoft 365 everything is in turn backed up. This is NOT the case.

Office 365 themselves advise that all their services should be backed up outside of office 365s environment by third party applications, quote “We recommend that you regularly backup Your Content and Data that you store on the Services using Third-Party Apps and Services.”

Microsoft does not guarantee the full or immediate recovery of deleted or damaged Office 365 data. In general, Microsoft does not guarantee it will be returned to you.

Now, let’s take a look at Microsoft’s data protection against your obligations.

Microsoft provides your business with the following:

  • Protection against loss of service due to hardware failure or natural disaster
  • Short-term protection against user and admin error (Recycle Bin, soft delete)

Your business IT Microsoft responsibilities include the following for recovering your data:   

  • Accidental deletion
  • Hackers, ransomware, and other malware
  • Malicious insiders
  • Departing employees

Therefore Microsoft recommends third-party backup in the Service Availability section of its Services Agreement. 

Here is some statistics on the main reason data is lost via SaaS products such as Microsoft’s suite of software:


33% of all companies lose data!! That is a statistic you have to pay attention too! The next major stat is 47% is through end user deletion.

What service do we offer to combat this?

Third-party Office 365 backup is the best way to protect against accidental or malicious file deletion, other user errors, ransomware, and data corruption. Our office 365 back up solution ensures you have infinite, YES INFINATE!! back up of your full Office 365 suite, including Teams, OneDrive, Exchange, Emails, Calendar, Tasks, SharePoint and Planner.

This means you have the ability to go back ‘easily’ and see any of your emails with ease and be comfortable knowing that a copy of everything happening in your 365 environment is stored and available for a speedy recovery should it be required.

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