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Current offers include:

Reduce your gas and electric costs by up to 70%

FREE no obligation quotes and surveys

Government grants available for EV Chargers

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Powering change.

Energy Switching

Compare all major electric/gas suppliers

Access to unique major supplier pricing

New connections and temporary building supplies

Multi-site energy management and reporting

Electric Vehicle Charging

Individual and multi-site installation 

Private and public charging options

Fleet conversion consultancy

Fixed cost, monthly subscription options 

LED Lighting

Lighting surveys

Environmental and cost reporting

In-house certified Installers

New build and design service

Solar Energy

Site surveys and consultancy

UK Power Network feed-in app management

Access to large-scale pricing

Project management

Suppliers We Work With

Dedicated Specialists

Each of our departments within the Rydal Energy focus on specific sectors of the business energy industry. This ensures that our customers get the expertise that they need.

We Supply The Best Of Breed

What we sell is best of breed and market leading, not cutting corners on wholesale costs for extra margins. All products we use and test in our own business. We will never sell our customers reconditioned components; however, we do buy old handsets back from customers who upgrade or buy new system.

Service Is Key

Our Managing Director, Steffan Dancy, is extremely passionate about delivering service excellence. He believes most businesses can’t grow and succeed without this as a key pillar in their organisation.

Our service success has been recognised with Rydal being the proud winners of the 2017 Best Customer Service Team, awarded by the Comms National Awards and finalists of the SME Business Awards for Service Excellence.

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Current offers include:

Reduce your gas and electric costs by up to 70%

FREE no obligation quotes and surveys

Government grants available for EV Chargers

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